Article published: 'The Global Middle East in the Age of Speed: From Joyriding to Jamming, and from Racing to Raiding'.
This essay appeared in the journal 'Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa & the Middle East' (May 2019).
The Global Middle East in the Age of Speed
- Introduction: The Global Middle East in the Age of Speed: From Joyriding to Jamming, and from Racing to Raiding - Simon Jackson
- Gridlock Politics: Auto(im)mobility in Sadat’s Egypt - On Barak
- Learning from Riyadh: Automobility, Joyriding, and Politics - Pascal Menoret
- Mastering the Wheel of Chance: Motor Racing in French Algeria and Italian Libya - Jakob Krais
- From Camel to Truck? Automobiles and the Pastoralist Nomadism of Syrian Tribes during the French Mandate (1920–46) - Mehdi Sakatni
» Issue home page at Duke University Press
Book Contract with Cornell University Press. I'm delighted that my book, provisionally titled 'Mandatory Development: French Colonial Empire, Global Capitalism and the Politics of the Economy after World War One', is under contract with Cornell University Press.