Review Published: I reviewed a new article on the League of Nations, for the website H-Diplo, 1 July 2022.

Review Published: I reviewed a new article on the League of Nations, for the website H-Diplo, 1 July 2022.

The article was by Dr Pablo Laporte, titled “Dissenting Voices: The Secretariat of the League of Nations and the Drafting of Mandates, 1919–1923”

H-Diplo Article Review of Pablo La Porte. “Dissenting Voices: The Secretariat of the League of Nations and the Drafting of Mandates, 1919–1923”, Diplomacy & Statecraft, 32:3 (September 2021): 440-463, DOI: 10.1080/09592296.2021.1961485


Editor: Diane Labrosse

Commissioning Editor: Thomas Maddux

Production Editor: George Fujii


Reviewed by Simon Jackson, University of Birmingham
